South Africa is a country Africa . Humans have inhabited southern Africa for more than 100,000 years. At the time of the arrival of Europeans, the indigenous population was a mixture of people migrated from other parts of Africa, being the dominant peoples Xhosa and Zulu.In 1652 the Company Netherlands East Indies established a small settlement that would become Cape Town. The city became a British colony in 1806. European settlement expanded during the 1820s, when the Boers (settlers from Holland, Flanders, France and Germany) and the British colonists claimed territory north and east of the country.South Africa is known for its diversity of cultures, languages and religious beliefs. Eleven official languages are recognized as the constitution, with English being the most common in South African official and commercial life, despite being the fifth most spoken language in a native country. South Africa is a diverse country from the ethnic point of view, and offers residents the best community of Caucasians, Indians and multiracial continent. Although 79.5% of the South African population is black, within this group, a large number of ethnic communities who speak different languages.
Luis Sanchez Oterooo